Board of Governors Update



Well, I’ve been on Georgian’s Board of Governors now for almost six months and it’s been incredible how much gone through. We approved a new strategic plan, hired a new president, and we just selected the recipients of the Board of Governors’ awards (soon to be announced).

I’m still a bit new, so I’m a little quiet in the meetings, but I’ve learned so much from the other governors and they always look to internal governors for more insight.

I’m very impressed by the board, and seeing how committed they are to Georgian is affirming. They ask insightful questions that lead to deep and rich conversations about the best way forward for Georgian. There’s a lot of representation from different industries as well which adds more insight to our discussions.

Through different activities, I’ve also learned how big of a role the government plays in a lot of the decisions and operations at Georgian. From submitting reports on financials to business plans, and approvals for new programs; I realized how important that relationship is to work collaboratively with folks from our government. 

The last thing I would like to share is that while Georgian does have room for growth, we’re trailblazing in the right direction and are ahead of the competition in different aspects. Our digital innovation strategy, as on example, is more advanced than some of our competitors. It was reassuring to hear that the direction our institution is heading is the same direction that others are also heading, but it sounds like we’re a few steps ahead of our competitors.